
FX.co ★ United States Sees Surge in TIC Net Long-Term Transactions for February 2024

United States Sees Surge in TIC Net Long-Term Transactions for February 2024

The latest data on the Treasury International Capital (TIC) Net Long-Term Transactions for the United States has shown a significant surge in February 2024. According to the updated information released on April 17, 2024, the indicator has jumped to 71.5 billion, a substantial increase from the previous month's 14 billion in January 2024.

This rise in the TIC Net Long-Term Transactions indicates a strong influx of foreign capital into the U.S. economy during February 2024. The increase suggests growing confidence from international investors in the stability and opportunities present in the American financial markets. The data reflects a positive trend that could have a ripple effect on various sectors, potentially stimulating further economic growth and investments in the country.

*Die zur Verfügung gestellte Marktanalyse dient zu den Informationszwecken und sollte als Anforderung zur Eröffnung einer Transaktion nicht ausgelegt werden
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